Continuous innovation

Build and maintain a strategic advantage – by making continuous innovation part of your culture

Continuous innovation symbol

At Exclin, we understand that innovation doesn’t happen by accident.

Instead, it’s something you cultivate, every day – by keeping your ear to the ground, and by making the flow of ideas an everyday part of how you plan and run your business.

That’s the power of continuous innovation: the opportunity to build and maintain competitive advantage over your peers.

How do we help you with continuous innovation?

We offer a range of consulting services to help you with continuous innovation:

Market monitoring

Innovation starts with intelligence. At Exclin, we can help improve the way you gather information – so you can collect the right information from the right sources in a cost-effective way.

This helps you to identify breakthrough ideas and support new revenue streams – while gaining essential insight into customer needs and the future viability of ideas.

Inspiring external stakeholders

We can help you glean insights from stakeholders such as customers, motivated suppliers, and anyone with an interest in your business – to facilitate new ideas.

We can also review your sourcing and partnership arrangements, to identify potential strategic alignments.

Secure your intellectual property

If you pursue technological innovation, it’s vital to underpin that work by securing your intellectual property (IP).

We’re not lawyers – but from our knowledge of patents, design models and trademarks, we can help you to:

  • Identify the ideal “perimeter of protection” for your innovation

  • Decide on your strategy, taking into account technology, brand identity, and the different geographies and filing procedures.

We can also help you design and shape your IP protection to secure an advantage over specific competitors.

Building a culture of innovation

When employees adopt and maintain an innovative culture, your company will see long-term advantages. So we help you to build on the intelligence you gather – and innovate in a way that’s suitable for you.

Depending on your needs, we can help you establish new capabilities, including:

  • Innovation management platforms

  • Training – such as our own coaching – to help employees share their vision and create action plans that build toward the future.

Manage the flow of ideas – and scale what works

Building an innovation culture is like turning on a tap: over time, you’ll have a flow of ideas into the business. The next step is to manage these ideas and scale what works.

At Exclin, we can help you develop innovation metrics to help you select the right ideas for your project portfolio – taking into account both opportunity and risk.

As part of the process, we’ll help you develop two roadmaps:

  • A short-term view, to help you launch products and services that drive growth

  • A long-term outlook, to help you create lasting impact in the marketplace – solving larger-scale problems that align customer needs with business strategy.

Contact us

How can we help you innovate on a continuous basis? Get in touch to start the conversation

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